A Great Car for a Great Cause

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society have just kicked off their raffle of a brand-new Volvo C30. Lehman Volvo is proud to be a part of this raffle, as they have provided the vehicle that is to be raffled. You can't see the vehicle right now...and that's because the winner will be able to select the C30 interior and exterior color just the way they want it. Keep in mind the all-new C30 can be optioned out over 5 million different ways (no joke!). All the proceeds of the raffle go directly to the LLS, and they are only selling 500 tickets. Tickets have been selling well and are only $100 each, so contact the LLS today at 717-652-6520 to purchase your ticket. Visit www.leukemia.org for more information on the work of the LLS. www.LehmanVolvo.com www.LehmanVolvoYork.com www.LehmanSaab.com