Last Day to take advantage of Safe and Sound Coverage!

Alright you procrastinators! This is your time to shine, as the Volvo Safe and Sound Coverage Program ends today. You must get to Lehman Volvo ( in York or Mechanicsburg ) to take advantage of the best deals of the year on the 2009 Volvo of your choice! In addition to the exceptional 5 year warranty and 5 year Complimentary Factory Scheduled Maintenance (including wear and tear items!), you get thousands in savings. For example, you will save AT LEAST $1,500 off of the MSRP of any new 2009 Volvo in stock, and in most cases, you save more. If you want a 2009 S80 for example, you can save up to $7,250 if you are a current Volvo owner. Well, you can't wait any longer... LEHMAN VOLVO YORK: WWW.LEHMANVOLVOYORK.COM LEHMAN VOLVO MECHANICSBURG: WWW.LEHMANVOLVO.COM