It may sound impossible to most, but by the year 2020 it is Volvo's goal that "no one will be killed or injured in a new Volvo car ". "Zero is the one and only alternative for us. As the leader in car safety we can't accept that people are killed or injured just because they want to transport themselves from A to B," says Jan Ivarsson, head of Safety Strategy at Volvo Cars. Part of this mission will rely on accident prevention, the latest battleground in safety technology. "In recent years, focus has shifted from protection to prevention and we are making continuous progress. New technology in Volvo cars such as Collision Warning with Auto Brake and City Safety can warn and assist you in difficult situations, in order to mitigate or avoid an accident. Our statistics show that we have reduced the number of severe injuries with approximately 50 percent since the 1960's," says Jan Ivarsson. With Volvo taking the lead in safety technology, its safe...