Best time to buy a new Volvo? Looks like now...

If you believe the news and historical data than you would also believe that now...and tomorrow...are the best time to buy a new car (and of course, why would you choose anything other than a Volvo ;). In fact, when you look at the historical data you will find that 7 of the 10 best days to buy a car fall in the month of December. The end of the year has typically been a good time to buy as companies want that last minute competitive push before the new year starts. But this year, there are also other factors...some of them are weather related, due to the effects of vehicles that were lost during Hurricane Sandy. On a brighter note, we have the strongest lease offers we've had in years this month, with $0 due at signing leases on every new Volvo. And this month you have your last chance to take advantage of Safe and Secure Coverage if you purchase a new Volvo. That adds up to 5 years of warranty coverage, 5 years of no-charge maintenance and 5 years of no charg...