We Believe in What We Sell

What you're looking at is a smashed Volvo 760 that saved the life of our Sales Manager Brad Smith long before he began working for Lehman Volvo in York. He was still in college when a drunk driver swerved into the opposite lane of traffic, resulting in a direct head-on crash with Brad's trusty Volvo. It was a high speed impact that left a twisted wreckage...but this Volvo did its job, sacrificing itself with various crumple zones and high strength steel. Brad's road to recovery took a long time, but he is a firm believer in the brand to this day. Catching the Volvo bug at an early age. Brad posing with his parent's 240 wagon as a child. We have also had countless customer stories of Volvos saving lives as well, so we know that "safety" is certainly at the core of what Volvo does. Find your own image of safety at Lehman Volvo in York WWW.LEHMANVOLVOYORK.COM or Lehman Volvo in Mechanicsburg WWW.LEHMANVOLVO.COM